April 2025
see. hear. act.


Online Earth Week Workshops for Kids Taught by High School Students

Sign up for free, online climate Earth Week workshops that cover a range of topics in an engaging, interactive way with games, discussions, experiments, and more! The workshops, created and taught by passionate high school students and aimed towards students ages 7-13, always end with ways the children can make a difference and help work to create climate justice. Earth week is all about educating each other on climate change, and we hope you will take action on climate education this Earth week by signing your child up for these free online workshops.

Workshops (all 4PM – 5PM ET):

Science Behind Climate Change on Mon, April 19th: Discusses the basics of climate change, the greenhouse effect, the disparities in health and climate with a map activity.

Climate Policy on Wed, April 21st: Discusses the carbon tax, renewable energy, and the GND through a “Save the World” activity and letter writing.

Deforestation Activity on Fri, April 23rd: Learn the basics of photosynthesis, oxygen/CO2, and perform a planting soil erosion experiment.

Oceans Rising on Sat, April 24th: Discusses glaciers melting and climate justice with a water expanding guessing game and glacier melting experiment.

Learn more at
Sign up at
Email with any questions!

More about us: Spring Forward is a youth-led education organization that educates and empowers elementary and middle school students to act on climate change and environmental justice. Learn more at our website:

Climate &…

Join the Environmental League of Massachusetts this Earth Month for “Climate &...” a weekly lunchtime webinar series featuring timely conversations on intersectional climate issues.

In these four sessions, we will convene a diverse array of thought leaders to explore how Massachusetts can fight the climate crisis while building a healthy, green, just, and prosperous future for the people of the Commonwealth.

MIT Environmental Solutions Climate Radio

MIT Climate Radio: Sick of Zoom but want to catch some Earth Day vibes? The MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative is hosting an audio-only event this Earth Day so you can tune in while you take a walk outside. We’ll be airing four episodes of our short, jargon-free TILclimate (Today I Learned: Climate) podcast and inviting you to call in with your questions. The experts featured on the show will be live, to discuss climate science and the work of communicating it to the public, alongside the TILclimate production team and special emcee Doug Parsons, host of the America Adapts podcast. The show starts on April 22 at 12 pm. Save the date here.


What is earth-friendly, animal-friendly, nutritious, and delicious? Join the Boston Vegetarian Society and Earth Day Boston for a fun and free virtual cooking class by Amanda Hofmann, owner of Nüssli118° on Mass Ave in Cambridge, the vegan storefront and kitchen making handcrafted, nutrient-dense, mostly raw meals and treats with organic, whole-food ingredients. Angela will teach her Spring Pea Dip appetizer to be served with veggies or crisps, and her Artichoke “Crab Cakes” main course. She will also demo her Cashew Creme, which can be used as a versatile ingredient in many vegan recipes, or as a topping. Sign up here and the Zoom link and recipes will be sent to you before the class.

Interfaith Summit 2021

CREW is having our 3rd annual 2021 Interfaith Climate Summit: Healing, Helping and Building Resilience at 4/11/21 from 2pm-4pm! There will also be a networking virtual hour from 4pm-5pm that is optional and a way for people to connect virtually.

For the Summit, we are so lucky to be joined in unity with several diverse faith leaders and community members representing many faith traditions in learning how to heal together. Below you will find information about our Interfaith Summit and if you are interested, sign up!

CREW Interfaith Summit Webpage:


Link to sign up below:


Climate Emergency Week

Reflection. Planning. Action. This is the regenerative action cycle, which helps us engage in action without burning out the body, the mind, or the spirit. We invite you to reflect with us before Earth Week. We are excited to present our most regenerative XR campaign yet, Climate Emergency Week.


Extinction Rebellion (XR) believes that the first step to change is telling the truth – both that the planet is in the midst of biodiversity collapse and a climate emergency, and about the scale of collective action required to change this dangerous trajectory. From April 5th to 10th, we invite you to join Climate Emergency Week events and spend a moment reflecting on the past, present, and future of our shared Earth.

Sign up for talks led by your Massachusetts friends and neighbors on topics ranging from the science and ethos behind collective grassroots environmental action to how to create pollinator habitat in your own yard through ecological gardening. Whether you have five minutes or five hours to devote to the climate emergency, XR Massachusetts invites you to act now with us, virtually or in-person (safely, with masks and distancing).

Winds of Change are bringing the energy for regeneration to Massachusetts from April 10th to 18th. Come and be a part of our regenerative actions, there will be large windsocks, wind spinners, and reconnection. 

15th Annual Youth Summit on Climate and Sustainability

Boston Latin School’s Youth Climate Action Network (YouthCAN) is planning our 15th Annual Youth Summit on Climate and Sustainability around this year’s Earth Day. It will take place virtually on Saturday, April 17th, from 12:45 pm – 3:00 pm. 

Our theme for this Summit is Don’t Wait, Advocate! We’ll be highlighting the intersectionality of the climate crisis, and the intersectionality of the solutions we need to address it. Many youth are already aware and passionate about the effects of climate change, but we often struggle to find effective ways to join the climate justice fight. This Summit aims to give them specific, concrete actions that they can take, on-call and in a supportive environment, to combat the environmental issues plaguing their communities.

The Summit will be a fun couple of hours of workshops, performers, and hearing from Keynote Speaker, Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu! We usually have about 200 student attendees from over 50 area schools, and even though it might be different in a virtual setting, it’s a fantastic opportunity for youth to network, connect, and make their voices heard. Workshop facilitators include Sunrise Boston, Our Climate, the MA Youth Climate Coalition, our own school culture clubs, and more!

RSVP here:

Earth Day Boston

Join us here or on our home page for Earth Day Boston’s free virtual musical event as we come together to be part of the solution to the climate crisis. Thursday, April 22, 2021, 7 to 8:30 PM.  The Boston Symphony Orchestra, Nicolas Emden Musica, Reggae artist JahRiffe, Jake Swamp and the Pine, singers Wanda Houston, Women of the World, Neo Gcabo and international Flamenco artist Tamar Ilana will perform. Speakers will include the Rev. Mariama White-Hammond, Rev. Vernon Walker, East Boston MA Rep. Adrian C. Madaro, City Council President Matt O’Malley, Chinatown/South Boston Rep. Ed Flynn, and the Native American Indian Center of Boston. We need to both heal from this pandemic and address the disproportionate burden that climate change has on BIPOC and low-income communities, including adverse health outcomes, increased risks from severe weather, and other negative impacts. We need to transform our systems to

  • adopt just and equitable strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change threats in all vulnerable communities.
  • increase and protect green, livable spaces.
  • promote affordable, accessible and green transportation systems by eliminating dependence on fossil fuels.
  • mitigate climate change’s risks to food systems and decrease the adverse environmental impacts of food production and distribution.
  • cultivate climate literacy so people understand the threat and are empowered to take action.

Earth Day Boston will lift up our voices to state unequivocally that business as usual must end, the climate crisis must be addressed. 2021 must be the year that the climate emergency is faced.


Live Audio Guided Forest Therapy Walk

Celebrate Earth Day 2021 with a Live Audio Guided Forest Therapy Walk. In this time of forced isolation it is important that we connect with nature, each other and ourselves.

Register Here>

Who Should Attend?
Anyone can join. All ages are welcome. Even bring your dog. Come alone or bring your family. Everyone is Welcome.

Find a spot outside your own home, in a park or a local trail. A place that feels good to you and where you can be for two hours. Front steps are a great place to start!
*If you can not leave your home, if you are in a city you can attend from inside.

How It Works – 3 EASY STEPS

  1. Download the free Zoom App to your phone –
  2. Make sure you have good reception, a fully charged phone so that you have enough battery for the two hour walk and earbuds or headphones if you wish.
  3. You’ll be sent a zoom link 1-hour before the virtual walk begins. At the time of the walk click the link and join the walk.

What Is the Cost?
This walk is free to attend.

About Forest Therapy
Forest therapy is a practice about well-being, health and healing. It’s also about relationship: being in relationship with the land, ourselves and each other. Attending a guided Forest-therapy/Forest-bathing program is an experienced not to be missed! The support of a facilitator gives us permission to slowdown, connect with our senses and allows for both group and individual time that truly enhances the experience.

Your Guide – Nadine Mazzola
Nadine is author of the award winning book “Forest Bathing with Your Dog”, a Certified Forest Therapy Guide and founder/director of New England Nature and Forest Therapy Consulting based in Massachusetts. Her book, “Forest Bathing with your Dog” combines the practice of forest therapy with our practice of walking our dogs and elevates the depth of both, Nadine’s training includes special knowledge in guiding people of all ages in Shinrin-Yoku, “Forest Bathing,” walks and the body of scientific knowledge demonstrating the benefits of spending time in nature as a wellness practice and an effective way to manage anxiety and stress. As a breast cancer survivor, practicing good self-care is Nadine’s most important guiding principle for herself. She has come to know the healing and support that nature can offer us through her own personal wellness journey.

Massachusetts Teachers Association – Climate Action Network Conference

Join educators from across Massachusetts in a lively forum about ways to incorporate climate action into our curriculum and union contracts as well as see how we can support the youth climate movement and other groups working on climate.  Zoom link here:

Meeting ID: 962 0105 3226

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