April 2025
see. hear. act.


Councilor Michelle Wu, Sierra Club MA, $$$ and March 12th

Tabling with one of our co-sponsors at the Local Environmental Action conference at Northeastern University. On the right – Vernon K. Walker, Board Member

Hello friends of Earth Day,

This is a good news/bad news message. First the good news: we continue to gain momentum for a huge turnout on April 18th and throughout Earth Week in Boston. This week Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu agreed to speak and the MA Sierra Club, Speak for the Trees Boston and the Islamic Society of Boston joined us as a co-sponsors.

The bad news: we urgently need your financial support. We are not reaching our financial targets. Bills are coming due and without your support, we will not be able push for a just transition away from fossil fuels. Help us send a strong message ahead of the 2020 election that climate change must be a top priority. Please donate here. If you’ve already donated, we thank you and ask you, can you add $5, $10, $20 to your contribution? Help send a message to the climate denier-in-chief that we can’t deny science any longer. Our future is at stake.

Speaking of science – Earth Day 2020 Boston and the March for Science Boston are joining forces! We stand with scientists in calling for climate action. As Greta Thunberg and the youth climate strikers have been saying – “we must listen to the scientists!” We look forward to organizing with them.

If you want to help us spread this message, there are two opportunities – this Thursday, March 12th at 5:30 pm and next Tuesday, March 17th at 5:30 pm at the Church of the Covenant to plan the 50th anniversary of Earth Day kick-off event. See you there.



P.S. If you are wondering how the new Coronavirus will impact Earth Day events, we are too. We are monitoring the situation and will make plans accordingly.