April 2025
see. hear. act.


Senator Markey, Sponsorships and Spring!

Dear Supporters,

I’m writing with some thrilling news about our most recently confirmed Earth Day speakers and sponsors, and with an urgent request for your help in raising the funds we need to pull off this event.

We are excited to announce that Senator Ed Markey will be one of our keynote speakers for the April 18th kick-off rally! Senator Markey is the Chair of US Senate Climate Change Task Force and chief sponsor of the Green New Deal in the Senate. He has been a leader on the environment for almost 40 years and we are exciting to hear his inspirational message for the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.

We are also excited to announce that the American Federation of Teachers (MA) has endorsed our effort. That means we have the support of all public school teachers unions in the state. If you are a teacher and haven’t signed up to participate in stopping climate change, make sure you visit our “Take Action” page here to find out how.

At our last meeting, we endorsed business sponsorships because of our increased costs and short fall in our individual donations. We still need to raise $13,000 to make this event viable. Will you help us? Here is how:

  1. Make a direct donation or start your own donation page by clicking here.
  2. Help us find business partnerships willing sponsor the event. There are three levels of sponsorship:
  • Premier @ $10,000 for naming rights to the stage.
  • Sponsor @ $5,000 for a full page ad in the program
  • Co-sponsor @ $2,000 for 1/2 page ad in the program
  • Supporter @ $1,000 for a 1/4 page ad in the program

All of the above comes with exhibitor space at the event. Below is an example of the advertising available for the Premier-level sponsorship.

For business partnerships we are looking for businesses that:

  • Have a record of sustainability
  • Are not fossil fuels companies
  • Their mission and guidelines support sustainability
  • Support our agenda of stopping climate change
  • Support diversity and racial, economic and environmental justice.

If you know of a business that would be good for our event, please be in touch at

We hope you will join us as we continue to raise the alarm about climate change and seek to move forward with the agenda of frontline, faith and youth communities at the center of our efforts.

We have two meetings in March – on the 12th (Thursday) and 17th (Tuesday) to help us prepare for April. Both meetings are at 5:30 pm. Please let me know which you can attend.


P.S. The Massachusetts Presidential Primary is this Tuesday, March 3rd. Make sure you are educated about who will be a climate leader and vote!