Thank you for your continued support of Earth Day Boston. We are just beginning to ramp up for Earth Day Boston 2022 and we want to hear from you! Please fill out this 2 question survey to help us determine the best course of action to raise awareness about the climate emergency.
We look forward to hearing from you and launching our next phase of Earth Day Boston.
Thank you to everyone who has helped us get the word out and plan Earth Day Boston 2021. I am looking forward to coming together to call for climate justice. Please check out our video above and share widely. I think it captures the energy we are trying to create and the action that we need to take. I am also exited to announce that we been able to add to our program Neo Gcabo, a Boston-based, South African R&B and Jazz performer as well as Jennie Stephens, a Northeastern Professor and expert on the intersectionality of the climate crisis.
As much as I am excited to share this event with you, I’m also keenly aware that our society is hurting from the police shooting of Daunte Wright and the continuing effects of COVID. I hope that our event will help us all heal from the pain, but in particular, put a spotlight on what we need to do to transform our society towards a more just and fair system. Those who face the twin stings of hatred and institutional indifference must be heard. Check out this link for ideas about how you can take steps for racial justice.
Finally, check out the many climate events in the next 7 days and join us this Saturday at 10 am, our last meeting before Earth Day. Help us spread the word about Earth Day using our publicity materials.Email here for more information.
I don’t know about you but I am swinging between hope and concern as I see what’s happening around us. Hope that vaccines are being rolled out more quickly but concern that COVID cases are rising in Massachusetts and around the country. Hope because Massachusetts has an updated climate bill that puts us on a path to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and that the Biden Administration’s infrastructure bill makes climate change a central part of the plan. However, I remain concerned that these changes aren’t happening fast enough.
This is where Earth Day Boston 2021 comes in. We must keep pushing for anti-racist, enforceable, science-based approaches to tackling the climate crisis. You can help us by spreading the word about our event on April 22nd and donating to support it. Please post on your social media accounts and email your friends. Feel free to use our publicity kit here which includes a poster and “Instagram ready” post.
Finally, we are excited to announce that Boston City Council President, Matt O’Malley will be speaking in addition to all the other wonderful speakers and performers. Join us this Saturday for our penultimate planning meeting from 10 am – 11 am. Email us for the Zoom link. I hope to see you soon!
We are excited to announce that our program is nearly complete and we are less than a month away from Earth Day Boston 2021. Please check out our events page for more information or our Facebook Page for a preview of our speakers and performers.
Please join us this Saturday at 10 am for our planning meeting to help us finalize the program and do outreach. Please email for the Zoom link.
If you can’t join us, please donate to help us pay our performers and support climate action.
Thank you so much for your participation in Boston’s 50th anniversary of Earth Day. We’ve had over 4,100 views and reached over 18,000 people with our message. This was a huge success, especially considering that we had to retool the event in less than a month. If you haven’t had a chance to check out our Facebook Live event, you can still do so here. Both the first and second half are now available to view on our Facebook Page. There has also been some great coverage, including MTA today, Cape Cod Times and the Newton Tab. The international Earth Day events had over 8.5 million views. For a full recap, check out this link from the Earth Day network.
I hope you were inspired to act during last week’s Earth Day activities. The lessons of COVID-19 pandemic are clearly applicable to the climate change crisis:
we must listen to the scientists
people’s lives are in danger and we must act swiftly to protect them – there is no time to wait
those with underlying vulnerabilities, particularly communities of color will be hit the hardest.
We can seize this moment to build a more just society. If you haven’t made a call to your state and federal representatives, there is still time. In fact, they should regularly hear from people who understand how important it is to act to stop climate change. Let’s make sure that climate change is on their minds when any COVID-19 related stimulus programs are developed.
As we wind Earth Day 2020 Boston down, make sure that you are connected to our many co-sponsors that are doing such great work in and around Boston. These organizations will help you keep up the fight for climate justice.
Thank you for helping us create this historic event for Boston and beyond. I treasure the faith you put in me and our team.
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Below is the program for this coming Saturday, April 18th! We are so excited to bring you this special online event. Prepare to be inspired and moved to take action. See you soon!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and if you celebrated Easter, you found a way to connect with family. Attached is our flyer for Earth Day 2020 Boston. Please share widely!
Thank you to all of our partners, volunteers and donors. Without you, we would not be ready to go live next Saturday. I can’t wait to see you!
First, I hope you are staying healthy and social distancing. We must get through this “together at home.” Second, happy Passover for those who are celebrating this week.
Please continue to post pictures of nature to help build anticipation for the Earth Day 2020 Boston online event on April 18th with the hashtags #earthday2020boston, #earthrise and #strikewithus. Seeing these beautiful pictures lifts my spirits and I’m sure yours as well.
I hope to see many of you on Thursday at 7 pm for our Zoom call. We will be decided on some budget items and finishing our plans to Earth Day. Please RSVP at so I can send you the Zoom link.
Tabling with one of our co-sponsors at the Local Environmental Action conference at Northeastern University. On the right – Vernon K. Walker, Board Member
Hello friends of Earth Day,
This is a good news/bad news message. First the good news: we continue to gain momentum for a huge turnout on April 18th and throughout Earth Week in Boston. This week Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu agreed to speak and the MA Sierra Club, Speak for the Trees Boston and the Islamic Society of Boston joined us as a co-sponsors.
The bad news: we urgently need your financial support. We are not reaching our financial targets. Bills are coming due and without your support, we will not be able push for a just transition away from fossil fuels. Help us send a strong message ahead of the 2020 election that climate change must be a top priority. Please donate here. If you’ve already donated, we thank you and ask you, can you add $5, $10, $20to your contribution? Help send a message to the climate denier-in-chief that we can’t deny science any longer. Our future is at stake.
Speaking of science – Earth Day 2020 Boston and the March for Science Boston are joining forces! We stand with scientists in calling for climate action. As Greta Thunberg and the youth climate strikers have been saying – “we must listen to the scientists!” We look forward to organizing with them.
If you want to help us spread this message, there are two opportunities – this Thursday, March 12th at 5:30 pm and next Tuesday, March 17th at 5:30 pm at the Church of the Covenant to plan the 50th anniversary of Earth Day kick-off event. See you there.
P.S. If you are wondering how the new Coronavirus will impact Earth Day events, we are too. We are monitoring the situation and will make plans accordingly.